Discrimination against my african foster boys attending a farm school whw

Shaney sent a message to Adrian Christopher Roos, Alice Hlebani Mthembu, Alvin Botes, Albert Mammoga Seabi and Alexandra Jennifer Beukes.

Adrian Christopher Roos, Alice Hlebani Mthembu, Alvin Botes, Albert Mammoga Seabi, Alexandra Jennifer Beukes
Discrimination against my african foster boys attending a farm school whw
May 1, 2023, 9:54 a.m.
Dear ladies / gentlmen

Thank you for taking your time to read our message. We have three african boys in fostercare since birth, who are now age 8 (twins) and another 6 years old. We entered them at the beginning of the year in a farm school where classes are small and each child get indivudual attention. Our first challange came when they were the firts "black" boys entered into the school. Since day one the school wasnt very open towards our boys, and gave them a week according to the principle since "their children are not use to those" kind of children. There are two more incidents that happen where the school failed my children and us as parents and have put us in a situations where they are not willing to assist us. We would like to make an appointment to come and see you with all our proof and how this school run by farmers are doing everything possible to ensure that we will consider moving our children. Please we need help to ensure this school stop racism

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