Debt standing in a way for my son to complete his studies at UJ for 2019

Fumane Leah sent a message to Naledi Pandor.

Naledi Pandor
Fumane Leah
Debt standing in a way for my son to complete his studies at UJ for 2019
Feb. 15, 2019, 3:52 p.m.
Dear Minister,

My son is left with maths and informatics only to complete his degree. I am a widow and has just been retrenched. We did not pay his last year tuition and as a result has been refused to register for the current year . He is now sitting at home because of financial difficulties. Please intervene. Can I please have some assistance. He has taken longer to complete because of skipping other years due to financial constrains.
Naledi Pandor
March 12, 2019, 1:25 p.m.
Please note that I have moved with Minister Pandor to the Department of Science and Technology. My new email address is and please forward all correspondence for the new Minister of Home Affairs to
Many thanks

Dear Grace Naledi Mandisa Pandor

Fumane Leah has sent you the following message via People's Assembly (

Dear Minister,

My son is left with maths and informatics only to complete his
degree. I am a widow and has just been retrenched. We did not pay
his last year tuition and as a result has been refused to register
for the current year . He is now sitting at home because of
financial difficulties. Please intervene. Can I please have some
assistance. He has taken longer to complete because of skipping
other years due to financial constrains.

You should respond to Fumane Leah by replying to this email.

** IMPORTANT ** Note that, as well as being sent to Fumane Leah, your response will be published on the People's Assembly website, where it will be public and visible to anyone.

If there’s a better email address for you, please let us know at , where we’ll also be happy to answer any questions or problems.