curbing farm murders in sa

ron wilson sent a message to Annette Steyn.

Annette Steyn
ron wilson
curbing farm murders in sa
Oct. 27, 2020, 6:57 a.m.
As a proposal to curbing farm murders I think it is vital to establish whether farmers can provide GPS co-ordinates of a "buffer" zone around their farms , and to have these areas monitored via satelite.
They should be able to "arm" the service as they wish
Eion Musk (ex SA) owner of Tesla Motors , USA , has a company which does satelite tracking and perhaps Afriforum can approach him for input
Farmers need to know when someone is entering/has entered their lands present they have no way of knowing ....until too late.
Illegal entry can be relayed to the farmer and/or his neighbour or central command post
Please liaise with Afriforum on my behalf
PLEASE respond to me
Thank you

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