Crucial Needed Political Leadership

Phakamile Madikiza sent a message to Mbuyiseni Quintin Ndlozi.

Mbuyiseni Quintin Ndlozi
Phakamile Madikiza
Crucial Needed Political Leadership
Aug. 12, 2023, 8:25 a.m.
Your profound PRESENCE in Mzantsi's Political ARENA is a solid crucial educative inspiration to the young AND future generations of our beloved county as a comforting ASSURRANCE to US,the older genenration that WE are leaving our Motherland in CAPABLE, SAFE, HONEST, PRICIPLED,WELL-INFORMED HANDS.
PHAMBILI Mfana Wami We are on our Knees Praying for YOU & Your Party to FIND the answer our country NEEDS answered!

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