Congratulations Hon Member

NATHAN LINDSAY HITTLER sent a message to Alan David Beesley.

Alan David Beesley
Congratulations Hon Member
July 18, 2024, 4:13 p.m.
Dear Member Beesley

I am the CEO of Corwil Investments Group a Johannesburg based Investment Holding Group with interests in Listed [ JSE ] and Unlisted Securities.
Corwil Investments Group has for the past 16 years been labouring under an iniquitous burden wrought upon us by a collusive strategy with the JSE at the helm and including, Investec Wealth and Investment International ( Pty ) Ltd [ formerly Investec Securities ( Pty ) Ltd and Investec Securities Ltd ] and FirstRand Bank Ltd.
The aim of this strategy is to conceal the malfeasance I uncovered within the Investment Business maintained by Investec Securities Ltd and Corwil Investments Ltd at the time a JSE Listed Entity. This unlawful deeds included, FIC Act contraventions, JSE Rule Contraventions, Exchange Control Contraventions and Money Laundering transactions via the JSE Trading System.
Having brought these matters to the attention of the JSE Limited as early as 2007, the JSE instead of addressing the culprit viz Investec Securities Ltd, elected instead to turn me into the proverbial sacrificial lamb.
At the JSE's behest the the former FSB initiated a malicious prosecution which included my purported manipulation of the share price of our significant Listed Investment, Marshall Monteagle PLC in circumstances which has through my resilience turned out to have a been a strategem to silence me at all costs.
The FSCA ( formerly FSB ) was a knowing participant in this malicious prosecution in breach of its Statutory Duties.
Presently, the JSE Limited unlawfully retains within its wholly owned subsidairy, JSE Trustees ( Pty ) Ltd, in excess of R 22 million which is owned by Corwil Investments Holdings ( Pty ) Ltd and despite lawful demand refuses to pay back our funds,
We have written over all these years to the Regulatory Authoriities [ FSCA and SARB - PA ] and have also filed STR with the FIC relating to the money laundering uncovered yet all these institutions fail to appreciate the necessity of addressing with fortitude these contraventions of the applicable Law.
There are also substantial Taxes due to the Fiscus by Corwil Investments Holdings ( Pty ) Ltd which we wish to pay and yet notwit\hstanding our approaches to the Commissioner of SARS, it appears that SARS has been paralysed particularly on this matter. I suspect that undue influence may have been brought to bear upon the Revenue Authority.
Today, I addressed a letter to the Deputy Governor and CEO: PA within the SARB asking for that Institutions assistance in bringing this unlawfulness to a swift end and intimated that my next step is to come directly to Parliament,
You may regard yourself as the unfortunate Member of Parliament among the Standing Committee on Finance that I have purposefully chosen to approach in advance of what I suspect will be inaction on the part of the PA.
Hon Member our Grey Listing is an already serious blight on our Country;s standing within the International Community of Nations and any attempt to cover up what to my mind are Systemic Weaknesses within our Market Infrastructures [ JSE and Strate ] will not escape the vigilence of the FATF.
I urge you to give careful consideration to these matters which I had raised with the 6th Administration via the former Chair of the SCoF the Hon Yunis Carrim who with respect made some attempt at assisting but regretably not sufficiently so.

Future replies will be published here.