
Lefadi Lucas Makibinyane sent a message to Gugile Ernest Nkwinti.

Gugile Ernest Nkwinti
Lefadi Lucas Makibinyane
Feb. 27, 2018, 6:24 a.m.
Congratulations on your appointment as the Minister of Water and Sanitation.

I have served in this sector from 2009 when i was appointed to serve on the Board of Rand Water where I am now about to finish my second term of potential three allowable terms.

I was appointed the CEO of Amatola Water Board in February 2015 where I did a sterling job until the appointment of the new Board in February 2016 which pursued a purging agenda of staff and interferred in the Operational activities of the company including Procurement. Charges without merit were brought before me as the CEO, I was suspended in March 2017 and unfairly dismissed before the conclusion of the disciplinary hearing on the 26 September 2017. The matter shall be heard at the CCMA, East London from the 11th April 2018.

I plead innocent on all charges; AWB will require your urgent attention and to balance the misleading side of story that the Board of Directors are likely to tell you; I avail myself as a dedicated civil servant to present my side of story.

I am a distinguished Professional who has a trail blazing career spanning over 27 years with 16 year Non Executive Director experience and I am a member of the Institute of Directors South Africa, I am also a Chartered Engineer with strong Technical and Financial Skills. I was the CEO of Consulting Engineers South Africa (CESA) before being appointed as the CEO of Amatola Water.

I beg for your urgent attention to Amatola Water.

Congratulations and all the best with your new portfolio as the Minister of Water & Sanitation.

Best Regards,

Lefadi Lucas Makibinyane, C.Eng; MIChemE; MIoDSA
MBL; B.Eng(Hon); MDP(Project Management)
Mobile:+27 79 067 7209

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