Comments City of Cape Town draft budgets 2018/19

Derek A Harris sent a message to Thomas Charles Ravenscroft Walters.

Thomas Charles Ravenscroft Walters
Derek A Harris
Comments City of Cape Town draft budgets 2018/19
May 3, 2018, 1:17 a.m.
I strongly protest and object that the DA asked that my ward no 26 councillor must get "permission" from you to speak to her electorate re the above. Please advise which section/s of our constitution allows for this, is it in line with the Administration of Justice Act and the suite of legislation applicable to local goverment (Systems Act, Structures Act, MFMA, etc.)? This instruction in my humble view goes against the grain of the values contained in our noble constitution and I need clarity as soon as possible please.

Future replies will be published here.