Can the Dept of Health explain this?

Frank Coetzee sent a message to Siviwe Gwarube.

Siviwe Gwarube
Frank Coetzee
Can the Dept of Health explain this?
June 20, 2021, 7:39 p.m.
Despite the initial 3 weeks to "expand capacity of the health sector" and 400+ days later, midday on this Sunday at Joseph Dadoo "hospital"

A man scream and cries from pain for long time but yet there is no medical staff to help and the few that came and go at their leisure to or from somewhere else, don't care a hell.

A mother had to sit with 6 year old child with severe swollen tonsils alongside somebody with high fewer and coughing like hell without any social distancing and had to wait many many hours like the other people before getting any attention at all.

No other people allowed so sick patients are on their own without family or other people that can help and also spot the total lack of care and services from the hospital personel.

The whole country under lockdown regulations for a very LONG time and must make huge sacrifices, yet it seems the health sector seems to regard it as one long go-slow and still demand higher salaries?

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