Brian Dutlow sent a message to Solly Malatsi.

Solly Malatsi
Brian Dutlow
July 31, 2024, 1:33 p.m.
Att:- The Minister DCDT.

Dear Sir

As 64 year old male, I find the method of the provision of Cell phone data by service providers unacceptable.

This is due to the purchase of data been split into two. This mainly as Nightime data and Daytime Data, or any time data.

This is totally unacceptable, as it requires people to getup after twelve o'clock to make use of their night time data.
If the is not done, one would loose the use of that data purchased. I personally veiw this as a scam.

The end result of this is people loosing lots of sleep and findinding themselves exhausted in the mornings.

This would effect their health, productivity at work, driving their cars etc.

My request therefore is for options to be provided to suit the general needs of the users.

The primary offer would be anytime data that could be used when required.

I would appreciate this issue been looked into.

Thank you.

B Dutlow.

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