Brackenhurst Clinic

Mary Steele sent a message to Darren Bergman.

Darren Bergman
Mary Steele
Brackenhurst Clinic
Aug. 8, 2022, 6:12 p.m.
Dear Mr Bergman
Please can I ask that the Brackenhurst Clinic Alberton be looked into.

This facility needs urgent attention. As a 71 year old and a pensioner who attends regularly., the administration and acceptance of patients into the facility is terrible.

Today everyone was on holiday leaving 2 people in the reception to guide the patients to the sisters. Only 2 sisters on duty for general patients.

When asked why so few the answer was on holiday. Obviously staff took the extra day before the public holiday to have a long weekend.

The sisters and especially Sister Brenda were stars. They really tried.

By the way I was there for 5 hours.......

Thanks for listening.


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