Black Industrialist localisation and the 4IR technology implementation

Hilton Layman sent a message to John Henry Steenhuisen, Ahmed Munzoor Shaik Emam, Patricia de Lille, Cilliers Brink, Dean William Macpherson, Julius Sello Malema, Tito Mboweni, Ebrahim Patel and Cornelius Petrus Mulder.

John Henry Steenhuisen, Ahmed Munzoor Shaik Emam, Patricia de Lille, Cilliers Brink, Dean William Macpherson, Julius Sello Malema, Tito Mboweni, Ebrahim Patel, Cornelius Petrus Mulder
Hilton Layman
Black Industrialist localisation and the 4IR technology implementation
Oct. 20, 2019, 4:11 a.m.
Dear Esteemed Leaders and Members of Parliament

It surprise me daily when i hear our Economy is stagnating unemployment is at a staggering hight our Citisens our jobless our manufacturing industry is collapsing

Every story had been told every Politicians dream we heard for 25 years nothing has materialised Passive Black Investment passive black shareholding corruption and tenderentrepinuesrship is all we can show
Localisation is just another word with no meaning why are you ignoring the fact that implementation of economic policies has failed out Citisens and true Black Entrepreneurs

We have developed world class technology we leaders in the 4IR technology yet many Future Black Industrialist are being ignored and we cannot build industry because Government talk but has no clue how to implement and police localisation policies a direct consequence of our failed economy

We not asking for hand out we not asking for funding we have our own we need Government to impliment its localisation and component designation policies in order for us to own our means of production to create jobs to grow our Economy nothing being done about Prasa Gibrla and Alstom taking us for fools by ringfenceing a supplier base held by passive black shareholders that has no clue about manufacturing another 1064 disgrace awaiting us

Transnet refused to localise Eskom in shambles yet we have technology available and capacity to rectify what has been destroyed over the last 20 years

I know what im talking about and i can proof if you care to seriously look at the situation many Future Black Industrialist find them selves in

Stop talking do the right thing and we as Black Entrepreneurs will bring in FDI because we can proof our capabilities and technology as FDI has learnt a very expensive lesson invest in SA mean carrying useless black partners put together by the politically connected rent seekers

Its time reall Future Black Industrialist is given the opportunity and support by the implementation of localisation policies proof is their nothing has been achieved by passive black shareholding we need own our means of production but we cannot if Dudi Menyeni Son is one of the majority shareholders of the Ringfenced Alstom supplier development as example of how we failed our Economy

Take my case i can take a piece of scrapped plant and turn it into a R4 bilion investment producing component that cost our Country a R billion per annum and creat 400 direct and indirect jobs including establishment of the world most advanced manufacturing hub of laser metal deposition a new global industry but yet Government seems not to be able to support the real Future Black Industrialist

Minister Patel Atlantis community are being robbed of an opportunity to be part of our Country 4IR technology implementation we can.manufacture Train Coaches our Country dont need to import
Minister Gordhan Transnet refuse to localise they have been to Atlantis forced by DTI as they refuse to acknowledge the worlds most advanced forged train wheels can be produced in Atlantis and not in China and Itally and with that Transnet protect the foreign businesses IP againts the implementation of our locally develop 4IR technology

To Mr Piet Sabelo Prasa can demand Gibela localise as they have been to our Plant but they playing around and you allowing this to happen and its time Prasa take a stand in the interest off our Country and not Alstoms international partners

In closing it will take one Leader to stand up and demand our Country and its people need to benefit that Leader we desperately need ?

I will avail myself to meet and show proof to who ever want to see what is really goin on in our Country why we cannot grow our Economy and why we have the worlds highest unemployment rate yet Government has spent hundreds of billions importing equipment and component we can produce locally

Yours Sincerely

Hilton Layman