- To
Natasha Wendy Anita Mazzone
- From
Charl S. Van Blerk
- Subject
- Ban Conversion Therapy
- Date
- June 22, 2021, 3:24 p.m.
South Africa has one of the most progressive constitutions in the democratic world. A constitution that our institutions of justice and state defend and enforce to ensure an equitable society and to right the wrongs of our country’s dark “Apartheid” past. A community that’s often overlooked is the LGBTQ+ community. Politicians and society often forget that this community is still at risk and suffered injustice, discrimination and hate crimes during “Apartheid”. The LGBTQ+ has had to slowly fight for basic rights such as the right to marry, which was granted only in 2007. The overarching story is that the community is underrepresented and had to fight longer for their freedoms and human rights.
Currently Conversion therapy is not outrightly and explicitly declared illegal. Only if the victims were there against their will but conversion therapy shouldn’t be something a person can consent to. We don’t view assisted suicide as legal; we classify it has murder or manslaughter because and individual cannot grant consent on such a serious matter. Acts of conversion or any “corrective” therapies need to be outlawed no matter the excuse, whether it be cultural or religious. I have attached references below on actual conversion therapy atrocities that have occurred in South Africa, below.
“The South African Society of Psychiatrists states that "there is no scientific evidence that reparative, or conversion therapy is effective in changing a person's sexual orientation. There is, however, evidence that this type of therapy can be destructive” (South African Society of Psychatrists , 2021). It is clear not only is this practice ineffective, but it is also an afront to our societal principles that are firmly routed in equality, humanity, morality, and dignity.
Since it is pride month and the politicians on both sides of the political aisle are keen to show their support to the LGBTQ+ community, show us that we’re protected by the government that represents us.
Future replies will be published here.