Auditor General Report

Angus Parsons sent a message to Mohammed Haniff Hoosen.

Mohammed Haniff Hoosen
Angus Parsons
Auditor General Report
Sept. 7, 2023, 5:06 p.m.
Dear Mr Hoosen

I reside within the Ethekwini municipality, and I am not happy with the ANC run municipality.

How does one hold the municipality accountable to the AG report, they are spending our money recklessly and carelessly.

I want to start a revolution and the best way to do that is to hold the municipality to account to the AG report because anything else brought against the municipality will probably be shot down.

Why have the opposition parties not already done that, why has parliament not done that already. What use is the report when things go on the same year after year after year.

Something has to change, help me make that change.

To start before they start pointing fingers at the paying residence, Why has the municipality departments and staff been allowed to owe the municipality so much money yet they don't get cut off, but we must pay. Why are illegal electricity and water connection handle and stopped straight way, why does it take so long and in some cases allowed to go on.

We are all for social upliftment, but managed the right way.

Can't the DA drive this AG report to the constitutional court because the AG report clearly shows how the people are being marginalized and with their owe contributions to the municipality.

Why has the DA not done something about this already....leading by example, you are leaving all this work to be done by layman, residence taking a stand against these crooks.

Have you seen what the ERPM - eThekwini Rates Protest lead by the Westville Rate association, you are already in Parliament do something about these municipalities that continue to operate regardless of billions of losses, when do you draw the line, someone has to step in, why has that not happened.

Come on, do something, save eThekwini from these gangsters.

This reminds me of when parliment vote against the removal of Zuma, yet the constitutional courts rules different. Why must it get to that, why can't you in parliment representing the people do something about that, remove the major and his clan and put the municipality under administration.

They asking for money to fix infrastructure, but wants to spend 9 Million on a road show to the people and the ANC people just vote YES YES YEs all the time.

When will the people come before the politics, when.

I think it high time that it does, do something please.

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