Arrogant unwillingness of ward counsellor neuron Petersen ward 118 to meet to discuss ordinary DA Member personal concerns to address facilitate experienced members contribution in the health sector
Andre van zyl sent a message to Michéle Clarke.
- To
Michéle Clarke
- From
Andre van zyl
- Subject
- Arrogant unwillingness of ward counsellor neuron Petersen ward 118 to meet to discuss ordinary DA Member personal concerns to address facilitate experienced members contribution in the health sector
- Date
- May 22, 2023, 5:52 a.m.
Dear Michelle Clark.Many years have elapsed since you personally addressed ,resolved the speeding cars nearby a school crossing for children in Mullins Rd Malvern east jhb.Speedhumps.The anti dote eradicated the nuisance.No children fatalities.We applaud and miss you.
I contacted neuren Petersen with a view to privately secure a health position invaluable experience not just for the people visiting clinics but hospitals as well.only to be advised to make appt to see him @municipal buildings in jhb.
Unacceptable ward counsellors should function at grassroot levels totally in touch open door policy with their surrounds and the people and members.This arrogance has served the DA party well interalia loss of mayoral seat Erkhuleni.I have perhaps an open approuchabke demenour ,people talk to me, catastrophe hit the Malvern jeppestreet vacinity with street dirt piling up and an esculating socio economic breakdown I e gender based violence.Where is this counsellor!!!???The EFF highly organized stepped in and arranged a total clean up.Siciety arranged field workers to intervene with the GBV atrocity.This will not sit well with the DA.We seem to loose more and more municipal districts .Have the DA lost the plot don't the hierarchy realise it's the people on mass that ensures the success if a potential Ruling party.Reminder.French revolution resultant due to the total apathy by the king to the people's desperate basic needs.
My sister was a DA counsellor Waterberg district for a term.Even today people hail her.Due too I'll health she did not stand another term.Being a teacher in a exclusively black school too many years and the only one she benefitted that society gained respect and was nominated and voted in as counsellor.Oerhaps her humanistic nature was a determining factor.So much more for the society was done.
The second person I contacted with a view to meet was Dennis Bloom.Years back when they wanted me to join the DA he invited me to his house.A bit like a fisherman hooking the fish.How cordial the meeting was.What a transformation now only a sms will be facilitated from me.
I am very much under the impression that the DA is a bourgeois/arrogant arty suitable for the higher escelon areas only.Good luck!!!The backlash prevalent in majorseat losses Erkhuleni, Johannesburg,Nelson Mandela bay on its way.Without resourcessfull ground workers how long will the DA elitests engage in "fruitless liason and debate in the luxury of of PARLIE!!.
As iam a humanist like my sister and feisty I will appreciate your appropriate feedback to me by no later than END JUNE 2023.
- From
Michéle Clarke,
- Date
- May 22, 2023, 6:04 p.m.
Dear Andre
I note your email and wish to inform you that I have not been the Councilor of that ward since 2014, I have however addressed this matter to MP Manny de Freitas whom is the Regional Chairperson of Johannesburg to deal with your concerns raised. A small part of the issues raised in this email falls within Ekurhuleni and I have also sent this to Wendy Morgan to assist going forward
Manny will reply and give me feedback regarding your concerns
Kind Regards
Michele Clarke
- From
Michéle Clarke
- Date
- May 23, 2023, 4:28 p.m.
Dear Mr van Zyl,
Thank you for your email.
I am most concerned with the contents of your email as this is not acceptable.
Please allow me time to investigate this and revert.
Kind regards/ Beste wense/ Ozithobileyo/ Melhores cumprimentos,
M. de Freitas
Manny de Freitas MP
Member of Parliament of the Republic of South Africa
Shadow Minister of Tourism
Chair: Johannesburg Region
Member of Parliament for Johannesburg South
Democratic Alliance
Secretary | Karin Solomons | E-mail: <mailto:> | Tel: (021) 403-8911
On 2023/05/22, 18:04, "Michele Clarke" < <mailto:>> wrote:
Dear Andre
I note your email and wish to inform you that I have not been the Councilor of that ward since 2014, I have however addressed this matter to MP Manny de Freitas whom is the Regional Chairperson of Johannesburg to deal with your concerns raised. A small part of the issues raised in this email falls within Ekurhuleni and I have also sent this to Wendy Morgan to assist going forward
Manny will reply and give me feedback regarding your concerns
Kind Regards
Michele Clarke