Appeal to Dispatch a Passport for my Grandchild urgently please.

Emlyn Hammond sent a message to Leon Amos Schreiber.

Leon Amos Schreiber
Emlyn Hammond
Appeal to Dispatch a Passport for my Grandchild urgently please.
March 5, 2025, 8:21 p.m.
Dear Dr Leon Amos Schreiber

By way of this email I'm turning to your office Sir out of desperation and as a last resort to seek urgent help and intervention please regarding the finalization processing of the above mentioned passport please.

I am now desperately needing any help I can get with the progress towards finalization and despatching of the his passport for my grandchild please Sir.

He applied on 6 February already but we are still waiting for his one. The rest of my family all received passports very soon after applying on the same day.
My family are all booked to attend a ceremony in Namibia on the 7 March. I've called the Call Center every single day so far to be told it's still with the printing office and the staff were very helpful to continuously escalate the matter which we are appreciative for.

I am now extremely desperate to get his passport finalized because he's a 9 year old minor and our family is face with a dilemma of not having anyone else to leave him with and would appreciate any help and support I can get on it's progress towards finalization please. The collection office is in Epping Cape Town

Please Sir, any help would be appreciated extremely desperate now.

Kind regards
Emlyn Hammond

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