Thomas sent a message to Altia Sthembile Hlongo, Alice Hlebani Mthembu and Alexandra Jennifer Beukes.

Altia Sthembile Hlongo, Alice Hlebani Mthembu, Alexandra Jennifer Beukes
June 10, 2022, 11:27 p.m.
I write to you as someone who shares the love and passion not only for Black South Africans but also, the entire African Continent.

I simply want to share a vision of 21st century Africa, fulfilling her destiny. For that to begin to happen, there must be bold, intelligent and innovative ideas to set the course.

Build a transcontinental train from East to West Africa - from Durban, SA to Cairo, Egypt.
This train would almost end homelessness and hunger by creating jobs & opportunities.
It would also UNITE the continent.
It would improve trade within the continent.
It would provide much-needed revenue for all territories within the continent.
It would improve GDP of each and every country in the continent.

This project would have to be funded entirely by Africans. Specifically, every nation the train runs through would contribute 15% of construction costs and each nation would provide workers to build their portion of the railway, thereby eradicating unemployment.

In addition, this train would improve quality of life for the entire continent of Africa and would set Africa on course to becoming competitive in the future world.

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