- To
- From
- Subject
- A Public Plea NSFAS University Students
- Date
- Jan. 21, 2025, 1:07 p.m.
Good day,I hope you are well I write this with hopes it will reach you and you might respond or offer advice .As a prospective student we are really struggling with the current NSFAS system.
1.Many returning students who were not inducted into the auto application process by nsfas were falsely advised to cancel the application even by university staff management (I have attachments as proof of one such situation) and some reapplied for themselves not knowing they should not,this results in them being exempt now and defunded due to double applications.
2. Many cases of nsfas rejecting students who are deserving of nsfas in this current system and not enabling them to appeal or reapply citing reason for rejection being Null, the nsfas call center is not answering calls and emails saying they're overloaded leading most to miss their registration period and drop out of school,is this fair?
3. The NSFAS board stated there would be no late applications even for tvets,but suddenly they open for them ONLY? where is the fairness? What about University students? Which is now leading to them applying on the wrong cycle which is for tvets only out of desperation for funding and higher education which in the end will lead to them being defunded during the year,where is the truth and fairness?
4. There are a lot of new coming students,which passed last year who were unable to apply during the nsfas deadline due to a lot of reason being technological inability to understand and navigate,internet connection or just unable to get to centers of applications for example EMZUMBE in Natal,there are kids I know there dealing with this but most importantly - Some kids needed signatures from social workers and principals who were absent and unwilling during the holidays,how is that fair and honestly just?
Please we ask you fight for us and push the board to extend fair nsfas application dates for ALL students not just tvets,we all want to study and need higher education as it is our key to be on equal footing with the world,please bhuti,please assist.
Future replies will be published here.