2021 re-view

mzwakhe nodunyelwa sent a message to David Dabede Mabuza.

David Dabede Mabuza
mzwakhe nodunyelwa
2021 re-view
Aug. 4, 2020, 6:59 a.m.
Greetings to my leader
i want to lay my view to your senior leaders of the leading organization about the matter of 2021 local election which is too close as we speak
leaders ''as the life and the business has force to change plan not as it plan but forced by the situation of this covid19 pandemic' the rest of the society around global earth lived on fear and focused of safety and those are bedlucked focused to recovering ,

the branch nomination is up to take place by november this year' well the most peoples and the organization members hasn't have time to focus on this branchies business due of this pandemic
,by this reason i'm appealing to you leaders 'that the 2021 business if will continue really this will cause the higher volume of complain due of peoples and branches haven,t have the time to prepare enough
than please leaders the 2021 business must little bet reversed untill the better time and the country recovering on this situation please 'please leaders

the branches nomination at list must take place by next year on june'than at list the 2021 business should be prepared by june 2022 that will give peoples to be shore about the elections than.
if this will continue leaders really will cause many strikes against local elected members until the national election take place 'really this wont br good for the leading organization please
please leaders

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