2019/2020 police intake

Rindelani Bvuma sent a message to Andrew Whitfield.

Andrew Whitfield
Rindelani Bvuma
2019/2020 police intake
July 29, 2021, 8:36 a.m.
Good day

Please ask the minister of police on my behalf regarding the 7000 saps intake which was suspended due to covid 19 like what is the plan for those who will be over 30 years when this pandemic ends and those people have already signed the beneficiary forms and were only waiting for the medical tests

and I now know that they busy with reservist on training, but he mentioned that the reason why other streams was suspended is because of covid regulations, large number of gathering etc so can't they use same process they are using with reservist so that those people can go or vaccinate them so that they can attend the basic training, because we all know that there is a shortages of polices in the country

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